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Oct 23, 2009

Bouchées à la Reine (Vol au vent)


50 gr. butter
60 gr. flour
1/2 liter hot chicken broth
Salt and pepper to taste
200 gr. sweetbreads of veal (canned), cut into small pieces
125 gr. sliced, cooked mushrooms
125 gr. quenelles (canned), sliced in small pieces
1 dcl. Madeira wine
Juice of 1 lemon
4 puff pastry shells

Dissolve butter in pan and add flour. When the mixture browns slightly, add broth. Stir constantly until white sauce thickens. Season with salt and pepper.

Add Madeira, lemon juice, mushrooms, quenelle and sweetbreads to white sauce. Cook 6 minutes or until well heated. Adjust seasonings.

Fill pastry shells and serve warm.

Odile’s recipe.

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