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Oct 25, 2009

Smoked Fish

Dry Marinade Ingredients:
2 Tbs. garlic salt
2 Tbs. onion powder
1 Tbs. ground black pepper
3 cups salt (non-iodized)
9 cups brown sugar (64 oz. or a 4 lb. package)

Marinade Preparation:
Mix marinade ingredients well. It can be made ahead and stored in air-tight containers.

Fish Preparation and Smoking:
Prepare your fish fillets* by removing dark or stringy portions. Sprinkle mixture on both sides of fish fillets, covering well. Layer fish in a large plastic bag placed inside a deep pan and seal to hold juices in. Marinate in refrigerator for at least 8 hours or overnight. Remove fillets and rinse well with cold water. Pat fillets dry.

Place equal parts of hickory and mesquite wood chips, soaked in water for at least 4 hours, in bottom of smoker over the flame/coals. Smoke fish according to your preferred dryness.

If you are using a propane water smoker (which I use), your fish may be done in as little as 2 hours.

*Tuna, yellowtail, bonito, barracuda and salmon are all good for smoking.

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