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Jan 7, 2012

Homemade Ice Cream

3 cups sugar
5 eggs, well beaten
3 Tbs. vanilla
8 cups Half and Half or Heavy Cream

Beat eggs with sugar until thick and light yellow color. Mix in vanilla and cream. Freeze in ice cream freezer until hard.

Serving Suggestion:
The more cream you add, the softer the ice cream will remain.

Banana Nut Ice Cream: Add 2 mashed bananas and 1 cup chopped pecans just before freezing.

Strawberry Ice Cream: Add 2 cups puréed strawberries.

Peach Ice Cream: Add 2 cups puréed peaches.

Originally, we cooked the mixture before freezing but adapted the recipe to eliminate the cooking. The cooked variety has a slight cornstarch flavor. If you are concerned about the uncooked eggs, mix 3 tablespoons cornstarch in the sugar. Heat the cream in a saucepan. Gradually add the sugar and cornstarch mixture. Gradually whisk in the eggs and whisk constantly until mixture comes to a boil and thickens. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Cool completely then freeze in ice cream freezer.


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