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Sep 11, 2018

Black Cod Tips

1 lb. Black Cod Tips
1/4 cup saké
1/4 cup mirin
2/3 cup white Miso paste
1/2 cup brown sugar


Place the saké and mirin in a pan and bring to a boil over high heat.  Boil for 30 seconds to evaporate the alcohol.  Turn the heat down to low and add the Miso paste, mixing with a wooden spoon.  When the Miso has dissolved completely, turn the heat up to high again and add the sugar, stirring constantly with the wooden spoon to ensure that the bottom of the pan doesn't burn.  Remove from heat once the sugar is fully dissolved.  Cool to room temperature.

Pat the cod tips until thoroughly dry with paper towels.  Slather the fish with the cool Miso mixture and place in a non-reactive bowl (glass) and cover tightly with plastic wrap.  Leave to steep in the refrigerator for 24 to 48 hours.  If you are in a hurry, you can place fish in Foodsaver marinating dish or Foodsaver bag and seal.  Marinate in refrigerator for 4 to 6 hours.

Preheat broiler.  Lift tips out of marinade and place on broiler pan.  Broil until the surface turns brown - 5 to 8 minutes.


This recipe works well on salmon or tuna bellies too.

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